2757 MP3, NZ, Dec 2003, 60 mins. A 41 MB download.
It was Imre’s birthday and in this talk, he explains the importance of using your birthday to reflect back on your life and the past year and ask yourself, “How much have I progressed?” For spiritual aspirants, it’s not worldly achievement that’s of any importance but how much we have managed to change our consciousness. If we can notice we’ve become less reactive on the personality level or have given more to others and been of service without expecting rewards, then that’s real growth. Every time we do this, slowly the personality turns away from worldly objectives and becomes more under the direction of the Soul within us, allowing the Soul to use the talents of the ego to express the Soul’s Divine Plan in this life. We will make mistakes simply because we’re human, but Victory comes when we realise our mistakes and modify our consciousness for the better.